The Online Writing Jobs Opportunity

The Amazing World of Online Writing 

Write & Prosper

Take a moment to congratulate yourself. Because by joining Paid Online Writing Jobs, you’ve made a great decision. You’ve put yourself in a fantastic position to make a great living from anywhere, doing fun writing work that you’ll love. 

You’ve found the shortcut to prosperity, cut your work week down to size and discovered a new, improved way to earn. After all, which sounds like a better way to make a living?

1. Slaving away in an office cubicle every day

2. Working leisurely from the comfort of your own home

Option #2 is obviously more appealing, but it used to be nothing more than a pipedream for most people. For centuries, earning a living has meant commuting to a dreary office, sweating away in a factory, or flipping burgers at Mcdonald’s.

Fortunately, the advent of the Internet has changed all that. Nowadays, it’s no longer necessary to be in a specific place to do a job. There are many jobs that can be done successfully online, from anywhere in the world. 

Writing is one of those jobs—and in our opinion, it’s the best one . After all, writing is a job that you mostly do alone. Of course, you do need to communicate with editors, managers, and others—but all of that can easily be done online. Today, we have a host of options for communicating online:

Messaging apps
Video conferencing
Document collaboration

A Wealth of Work

The shift to a web-centered world has made a huge difference in another way. Nowadays, organizations of every size and type need to have an online presence. To stay competitive, businesses need to have:

A website
A blog
Social media accounts
Presentations and speeches
Video content
PDFs and white papers
Advertising campaigns
Email messaging

In other words, they need a lot of content. And they need a constant stream of it. They must keep putting out blog posts, social media posts, ads, email messages, and more to stay relevant and in touch.

Take a moment to think about how all this adds up. Millions of organizations, all needing to communicate in multiple ways…and on an ongoing basis, too. This adds up to a tsunami of content that must be produced—week in, week out—all over the world.

Financial News Media predicts that the online content market will reach a whopping $38 billion in the next few years.

A Wealth of Work

The shift to a web

That’s a lot! Who the heck is going to create all this content? Ah, that question is easy to answer. It’s writers, of course!  

Not so many years ago, writers struggled to find work. Some managed to find work in journalism or as technical writers. A few won the writing ‘lottery’ and made a living from writing books.

But most of the time, supply greatly exceeded demand. Many people wanted to be writers, but few people were hiring. But in the 21st century, all that has changed. Writers are now firmly in the driving seat, with demand for writing services outstripping the supply.

For you, this means…opportunity!

For the first time in history, the demand for writers has become insatiable. No matter where you live, or the level of experience you have, there are opportunities for you to make a good living from writing.

Nobody cares what qualifications you have, or how long you’ve been writing. They just want to know ‘can you get the job done?’ And thanks to Paid Online Writing Jobs, you can answer, ‘yes, I can!’

Just think what that means for you. You can forget the bad, old days of:

Working in a job you hate, just to pay the bills
Always struggling to make enough money to get by
Wasting countless hours commuting
Putting up with office politics and all the misery of a day job
Wondering if you will ever be able to escape the rat race

Instead, you’ll be able to enjoy:

Working in a rewarding job you love
Getting well paid for what you do
Working flexible hours from anywhere in the world
Finally feeling respected and valuable
Living the lifestyle you always dreamed of

If all of that sounds good to you, you’re in the right place. So strap yourself in and get ready for an exciting ride. You’re setting off on an adventure into the amazing and enjoyable world of paid online writing jobs.

Open to Everyone

YOU Can Do This

One of the big advantages of the online writing opportunity is that it’s open to everyone. It’s one of the few job choices that has few limitations. Whoever you are and wherever you live, you will probably find that becoming a writer is a realistic option.

Even if you are a rookie in the writing world, you can start out by doing easy jobs. Then as you get more experience, you can move up the ladder and make more money. It’s easy when you know how. 

Let’s look at the basic requirements, such as they are.

Language Skills

As you’re reading this, you are probably planning on writing in English. Of course, there are also many opportunities to write in other languages too, but English represents the biggest online market.

The good news is that you don’t have to be a language superstar. No one expects you to write literary masterpieces in this line of work. You don’t need to be a native speaker, but you should have a reasonable degree of fluency. 

If you can speak English (or another language) at Grade 6 level, you are good to go. Even if your grammar and spelling are less than perfect, you can ‘cheat’ by getting some extra help from online language apps, such as:


This fantastic app not only helps you fix grammatical mistakes it also spots spelling errors and typos, too. Even experienced native speakers use this app to help them polish and improve their written work. 

Grammarly also integrates with popular writing apps such as Google Docs and Microsoft Word. So you can use it to check your documents as you go. This is a great way to level up your writing and deliver top-notch work.

Hemingway Editor

Hemingway is another popular app for checking your grammar. This one is focused very much on making your writing clearer and easier to understand. Hemingway forces you to use simple, direct language—which is exactly what you need for most online writing jobs. 

There are many other writing aids available online, so you are not restricted to these two. Most of them have free trials, so you can test them out and see what works for you. 

Work from Anywhere

It used to be that to get a high-paying job, you had to work in a big city. Trouble is, that meant you were saddled with the high costs of city living, too. If you wanted to work in a rural area, you had to settle for lower pay. It was a no-win situation.

Now things are different. Thanks to the Internet, you can now live almost anywhere in the world and still make a good living doing excellent writing. You can earn a big-city income while having small-town overheads. What’s not to like!

Of course, you need access to the Internet to make this work. But with the Internet freely available worldwide nowadays, this is unlikely to be a problem. As long as your connection is of reasonable quality, you are good to go. 

This means you now have the opportunity to launch your new writing profession anywhere you like. You can move from the big city to the fresh air of the countryside, or move closer to your family. You can even travel the world, becoming a ‘digital nomad’ who explores the world, working as you go. 

Location is no longer a restriction, so make the most of your newfound freedom!

Newbies Welcome

Another huge advantage of working as an online writer is that even rookies can easily get started.

Unlike in most professions, you don’t need qualifications. No one expects you to have a degree or diploma. It doesn’t matter if you have limited experience. You just need the commitment to writing and completing the job.

If you are willing to pitch in and learn the skills as you go, you have a great future ahead of you. Of course, you have a significant advantage as a member of Paid Online Writing Jobs. You will get all the training you need right here, setting you on course for unstoppable success. 

Minimal Tech 

As an online writer, you don’t need much tech knowledge—and you don’t need to spend a fortune on apps. Most of what you need is available for free or at a low cost.

You will need a word processor to write with, but that needn’t cost you a cent. Google Docs is perfect for this, and it comes free with your Google (Gmail) account. If you have Microsoft Word, too, that’s a bonus. But it’s easy to download Google Docs as Microsoft Word documents, so it’s not a requirement. 

You can use your everyday communication apps to stay in touch. Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp are both commonly used for business communications. Sometimes you may want to use a free video app like Google Meet or Zoom for online meetings. Finally, of course, you will probably use email for communicating about writing matters. A free email account will work just fine.

No Barrier to Entry

So as you can see, there’s nothing to stop you from becoming a successful online writer. You can do this, regardless of:

How little experience you have
Whatever hours you wish to work
Wherever you live in the world
Whatever you would like to write

It's a wide-open opportunity. You have no excuses…you just have to get on with making it happen!

Types of Writing Jobs 

A Wealth of Choice

One thing’s for sure. Once you become an online writer, you’ll never have to worry about getting bored at work. There are many writing niches to delve into, each with its own style and characteristics.

We’ll take a deep dive into each category later in the training. But to give you a taste of what’s possible, here’s a summary of the main writing niches for online writers.

Articles & Blog Posts

This is the backbone of the content marketing revolution. Businesses have an insatiable demand for new articles and blog posts to help them get their messages across. 

Many online writers make a full-time living writing nothing but articles and blog posts. You have the opportunity to write about many different niches—and you will probably learn a lot along the way! 

Social Media Content

Every day, an avalanche of new content is posted across social media platforms by companies of all sizes and descriptions. Someone has to write all of these posts, so it might as well be you!

You might find yourself writing captions for Instagram photos or business posts for posting on LinkedIn. And with new platforms arising every year, there are always interesting new possibilities to consider. 

Website Pages

Resumes & Cover Letters

Every day, countless people around the world apply for new jobs. They need to make the right impression, which means having a resume that makes an impact.

You can earn good money writing resumes, plus the cover letters that go with them. There’s a non-stop supply of work, and you will find it’s easy once you get started. 

Editing & Proofreading

Spelling mistakes, typing errors, and bad grammar—all of these can ruin an otherwise good piece of writing. That’s why there’s always a massive demand for good editors and proofreaders. 

For this role, you need to have a good eye, plus attention to detail. If that sounds like you, you can make good money, just for reading other people’s work! 

Public Relations Writing

Every business needs to have a positive image with customers. That’s why public relations is such an important business—and a big market.

As a writer, you can get paid high rates to produce press releases, company profiles, features, and case studies. You might even get all-expenses paid trips to exotic locations, too. You have to do your research!


It’s not only the movie industry that needs scriptwriters. With video becoming such an important way to communicate, many businesses have an ongoing need for people who can write captivating scripts.

You could find yourself writing scripts for YouTube, Facebook ads, websites, Instagram posts and much more. You will be involved in the exciting world of video production, and who knows where this might lead.

Report Writing

Businesses have to produce a lot of reports on a wide range of topics. It’s important that these are done correctly, so writers are often brought in to help.

The range of work includes writing financial reports, business forecasts and reviews of campaigns and activities. You may find yourself working for Fortune 500 companies and opening up exciting possibilities. 

Sales Copywriting

If you want to make the big bucks, you need to help companies sell their products and services. That’s what copywriters do, and they get well rewarded for their efforts. 

Learn the art of persuasion and the world is your oyster. When you know how to write to sell, you will have companies clamoring for your attention. 

Email Campaigns

Email is the most important means of communication online, so it’s no surprise that writing emails is big business. Businesses need emails written for all kinds of purposes, and you can be the person who writes time.

From marketing campaigns to nurturing new customers, there are many kinds of email requirements. When you hone up on these skills, you will open the door to ongoing, retainer work.


No one wants to listen to a boring speech. So savvy executives hire speechwriters to write engaging and motivating speeches on their behalf.

You could easily find yourself writing for well-known CEOs or Managing Directors— and even for celebrities. The occasions may range from seminars and conferences to dinner parties and product launches.

Grant Writing

Grants can be worth millions of dollars, so it’s no surprise that organizations will invest in winning as much grant money as possible. In particular, they hire grant writers to ensure that their application has the best possible chance of success.

In this niche, you will probably be working with worthy causes and helping to make the world a better place. So you not only get paid good money, you help to make a difference, too!

So there are twelve great niches for writers. But this is by no means an exhaustive list. Once you become an online writer, you may be asked all kinds of surprising things. Our members have been asked to write everything from memoirs to wedding proposals…so the sky’s the limit!

Maximizing Your Writing Income 

If you’re fed up with flipping burgers for minimum wage, choosing online writing is definitely the way to go. There’s no doubt that you can earn much more money from your writing skills, and have a lot more fun while you’re doing it.

So how much do writers earn, exactly? Hmmm…well it depends. The exact amount varies from one writer to another, and also depends on the kind of work you do. Another big factor is the type of clients you work for. 

There are lots of variables, but here’s the good news. There are many ways in which you can increase your revenue over time. And if you get good at this, you can reach eye-popping income levels.

Level Up Your Skills

It makes sense that the more writing skills you have, the more money you can make. So it’s definitely a good idea to work on improving your writing knowledge and expertise.

As a member of Paid Online Writing Jobs, you have a big head start in this respect. Right here you will find all the training you need to give you an advantage in winning the best jobs. We’ll show you where and how to pick up the highest-paying jobs.

But why stop there? There are many other ways you can polish your skills. You will find lots of great videos about online writing on YouTube, plus a Google search will bring up lots of helpful blog posts. You can also take courses on platforms such as Udemy and Skillshare without spending a fortune. 

Invest a little time and effort in honing your skills now, to reap the rewards in the shape of a higher income soon.

Follow the Demand 

Not all writing jobs are the same; some pay more than others. You will learn more about this later, but for now just bear this principle in mind. The higher the demand for a particular type of writing, the greater the pay.

You might earn $300 a day doing one type of writing work, but $500 a day if you switch to a different niche. Which sounds better to you? To make the most money, you need to understand where the demand is and make your plans accordingly. 

Keep on Marketing

When you only have one writing job offer on the table, you have to accept whatever you are offered. You are in no position to negotiate. But if you have three or four companies bidding for your services, things get more interesting.

So keep looking for work, even when you have projects on the go. That way, you can afford to cherry pick the highest paying new projects. You will be the one in control of your income.

Value Your Time

Writers often make the mistake of undervaluing their time. They may work out what they got paid in their last day job, and aim to make the same hourly rate. But that’s not a fair comparison. In a regular job, you probably received paid vacations, sick days, and many other benefits.

As an online writer, you probably won’t get those same benefits. So to compensate, you need to charge more per hour. Clients understand this, and are comfortable paying high rates to freelancers as a result.

Don’t sell yourself short. You work hard and deserve a good rate of pay.

Do Your Research

To get the best rates for your efforts, you need to know what other writers are charging. You may find you are undercharging for the kind of work you do. Over time, this could cost you a lot of money.

So it’s important to do your research and find out what other writers charge in your niche. You can find this information in writing forums, amongst other places. Being informed is important to being successful. 

Working Together

Getting Results

Here at Paid Online Writing Jobs, we care a lot about helping our members succeed. We want you to get a huge return on your small investment in our program. The more our members win, the happier we are.

Because of this, we take a great interest in the feedback we receive from members. And over the years, we have learned a lot about what separates the highly successful from the also-rans. What we’ve learned is that doing well as an online writer has nothing to do with luck. There’s more to it than that. 

In particular, we have studied our Ten Percenters. These are members who are consistently in the top 10% of earners within the program. And what we’ve learned from them is very illuminating. So if you want to join the Ten Percenters club, this is what you need to know…

Complete the Training

Knowledge and expertise makes all the difference. We find that our Ten Percenters are always people who have completed the training we offer. They understand the value of leveling up their professional skills.

The training is designed to be easy to follow, plus it doesn’t take long to complete. So don’t be tempted to skip this step. If you do, you will regret it later. A small amount of effort invested now will pay you huge dividends in the long term.

Make the Most of the Jobs Database

Perhaps the most important factor of all is taking full advantage of the Paid Online Writing Jobs database. Remember, our experts scour the web every day to find and curate the very best writing jobs for you. This is a huge benefit that really works to your advantage.

So take a few minutes to check the jobs database daily. Ideally, do this first thing in the morning. It doesn’t take long, but you may find that juicy contract you are looking for. We have writing opportunities in many niches, so there is always something for everyone. Make the most of it!

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Lastly, remember that we’re always on hand to help. So if you get stuck, you’re not alone. You can always reach out to our team for assistance. 

Whatever issue you are encountering, we’ve probably dealt with it before. Just reach out and let us know what’s up. We’ll do our best to get you back on track. 

Here at Paid Online Writing Jobs, we’re committed to helping you achieve the highest levels of success. We look forward to working with you for some time to come, and helping you turn online writing into a real money-making experience.

Training Modules

Editing & Proofreading

More Job Opportunities

The Top Jobs Sites

The Writing Jobs Database

Why Online Writing

Writing Articles & Blog Posts

Writing Grants

Writing Marketing Emails

Writing Public Relations Materials

Writing Reports

Writing Resumes

Writing Social Media Content

Writing Speeches

Writing to Sell

Writing Video Scripts

Writing Website Pages